Sunday, December 19, 2010


Wow, it's been too long since I last posted. Let's just say, I've gone through a trying time this past semester. But God pulled me through, like He always has, and always shall. Amen.

These past days, in preparation for my trip to Beijing, I've been reading passages of Romans in Chinese. It's been really hard, but at the same time, VERY rewarding. Going through these passages in a different language somehow makes the Word seem... I don't know, fresh. It's been an empowering experience to soak in the Gospel again, like it's the first time I've seen it. Just those fundamental truths we take for granted too often jump back out and hit me anew, washing me in waves of terror of my own sin, awe at God's mercy, and joy in His amazing love for me. What fundamental truths am I talking about? The very basic ones.

1. We are sinners (3:23).
2. Sinners deserve God's wrath (1:32).
3. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to atone for our sins (5:8).
4. If we just believe in these truths, we will be saved and inherit eternal life (6:23).

Do these truths ever become stale to you? They sure do to me, when I'm lost in the daily grind, doing mundane tasks, meeting people, even when I pray or do my quiet times. And yet shouldn't these truths revolutionize our lives, our thinking, our very selves? Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, let us come back to the Word, to these fundamental, unshakable truths from our Heavenly Father. Do so, and experience a renewed joy, a renewed sense of wonder, and renewed hope as we wait on the Lord.

"Beautiful One" is playing on Pandora right now. Oh, I could dance like a fool for my God right now.

Continue to pray for the salvation of my grandparents ("Lao ye" and "Lao lao") and my aunt and uncle ("yi ma" and "yi zhang"), and others, in Beijing. The grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pounding the rock

Just gotta keep pounding that rock. I don't know how many strikes it will take to break through, but I know each blow brings me closer. My Savior moves the mountains. I'll learn from Him, and start with this little rock.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


God is a funny God.

For the past few weeks, one of my prayers has been, "God, do whatever it takes to draw me closer to You." And then I would pray for Him to take away things from this earth, to let me experience pain, suffering, whatever. Really, I was ready for Him to do just about anything as I grit my teeth and winced in anticipation.

But what He did just blew my mind.

No, He didn't take away. Well, maybe He did. He took away insufficiency, apathy, and anxiety, and He replaced it all with His extravagant love. He chose, in His mercy and grace, to bless me with job offers, success in school, a healthier relationship with my parents, but most of all, my family in Harvest. As if I needed a firm reminder, like a pie in the face, that God has the power, the love, and the grace to shower me with blessings, He provides, time and again.

So this post goes out to all my brothers and sisters in the LORD, each of whom I love dearly, each of whom reflects the face of God in their own special way. I know that our pursuit of the cross is a team effort, and I'm just here to say how overwhelmed I feel to have this kind of love in my life. Thank you, brothers and sisters, and thank you, Jesus.

Your love, it's extravagant.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey, back up here!

Tim, where's the prize? It's up here, remember? Look up and find Me in your heart.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Note

No, you're not going crazy, you're just a becoming new brand of normal.

Eyes up here, Tim.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ecclesiastes 1

Meaningless. Everything we do in life, everything we strive for on this earth, everything we consider good. Meaningless. What then, has meaning? That which lasts. And only He is eternal.

I had to stop myself this morning and lie down for a loooonnng time, staring up at the bottom of the top bunk bed from the bottom bunk. I've just been so busy lately, studying, interviewing, searching for jobs, sending e-mails, checking e-mail. I needed to stop myself to remember the prize. No, not grad school or med school, though that is my more immediate goal. No, the real prize is up there. WAAAYYY up, where our Father dwells. The prize IS Him. So I wait. I am still. I am silent, knowing He is LORD, with a capital everything. God, keep my focus on You, and nowhere else. Help me to run the race. Help me to win the prize. Keep me faithful, keep me steady, just like You are enduring.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


So far, spring break has been a blessing. It's great to see the home church again, and I feel like there were more high schoolers this Sunday. Praise the Lord. God has also blessed me with a healthier relationship with my parents, and I feel like we're more willing to talk yet (I still haven't brought up my baptism. Pray for that--maybe? I feel it's at the point where I'm not supposed to delay and just obey).

Anyways, one of the things we talked about over dinner was food--that is, hunger. It's strange, isn't it? We all think we know what it means to be hungry, but what does it feel like to starve? Heck, even starving doesn't capture the nuance of our conversation. I'm talking not just starving, but perpetual starvation. None of us have really known the feeling of starvation combined with the uncertainty of food for today. It must seem really strange to us that half of the world lives on less than two dollars a day, and yet, we--the blessed ones, the Americans, the rich people--all too often consume food without giving it enough thought. It's weird how I can choose not to eat the meat my parents put on the table and to eat only the vegetables and fish for "health purposes." People who starve NEVER think like that! What kind of person scorns food when it's a God-given gift, be it fat or lean?

Myself aside, truly we are strange ones. We have this sense of security with food. Every day, we eat. That's taken for granted. Take a moment to examine why we pray before we eat. Why do we "say grace"? When was the last time you really considered the food set before you, snack or meal, as a gift from God? And beyond just food, just how many little blessings from God do we miss every day? Have we remembered to thank Him for our family, our church, our country, our friends, our school, our salvation? I'm pretty sure you could make a big list of things if you had the time. Why not?
And remember, "If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'thank you,' that would suffice."

Thank you, Jesus.